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What are trolls? Those are the supernatural beings in Norse Mythology, those that resides in old cave, bridges, mountains or rocks. They are either helpful or harmful to humans.

I just finished an episode wherein the family stopped in a restaurant since the bridge wasn’t fix, an old lady offered them food, and when the old lady get them alone, she then asks them all sort of question. Once the person who the old lady was asking answered ‘I don’t know’ they magically turn into a vegetable! 😉 The girl who loves supernatural then searched about Scandinavian folklore and her laptop amazingly search for Ymir.

The story ended with the girl answering her last question, demanded the old woman to fix the bridge and turn the veggies to human.

The above picture was how the troll looked like, not the ones we buy in a toy store with big eyes and fluffy hair that sometimes glow when their tummy we’re pushed.

It was said that the Troll asks questions…

But when you check it on the internet and other books, they describe trolls to be slow and dim-witted.

Just imagine a troll that disguises themselves as human and lure people ;D that would be sooo interesting.