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It took me weeks before posting a new entry. I recently bought a book called ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ a cousin just recommended it to me, and I’ll say at first I didn’t liked the idea of buying the actual book cause I have troubles with spending money in unnecessary things.

She described the book as like Twilight but an adult version of it and minus the ‘Vampire’ stuff, well she got me there, had always NOT like S. Meyer’s book, Twilight so I thought – ‘What the heck’ and did what I was asked.

I bought it. Reading it and did enjoy it, she was right the story is remarkable and awesome I really wish they do a movie in it. And I wanted an actor who could act same with Christian Grey in the story (wants to control everything). To those who haven’t read it, I suggest you do, just that KIDS aren’t allow to read it due to ADULT stuff in every part of the story.

SxM 😀 It’s like reading a manga without pictures and making your imagination GO WILD. ;D